
Hey I'm Sarah. I create experiences & identities for early-stage startups, nonprofits, and environmentally conscious businesses. Brand identity & creative strategy are my specialties, and I love turning complex topics into a visual that tells a great story. I'm passionate about... 


I'm Sarah. I create experiences & identities for early stage startups, nonprofits and environmentally conscious businesses. I have 10 years of knowledge in design and 5 years managing people. Brand identity & creative strategy are my specialties, and I love turning complex topics into a visual that tells a great story. 

I'm passionate about...



Uncommon Interfaces The way we interact with technology at home and in daily life can be more procedural than poetic. I’d love to work with a product or service to develop a richer relationship with digital devices based on gesture & emotion.


Why the 50% Can’t Design for the 100% The design industry's gender imbalance limits our ability to create products that work for everyone. Let’s bridge that gap and make something beautiful together. 


One Planet, One Love When it comes to creating solutions to tackle the climate crisis, I'd love to help draw out the conversation. Design, communication, illustration…I'm interested in producing anything that supports climate justice.